Sunday, March 2, 2014


Ukrainians in America are trying to create another American War, under the disguise of the U.N. I wonder what they think they will be accomplishing? Are they so blind to the goals of the Marxist/NeoCon/Muslim Cabal that has control of the U.S., the E.U. and the U.N.? Do they really think that foisting the New World Order upon the Ukrainian people is a kindness?

The little Irish Church lady (not a nun but a Bible Scholar, I believe her name is Hogan) who teaches on EWTN said the other day in her very Irish brogue, talking about the Jewish disciples of Jesus wanting Jesus to rise up and conquer the Romans, "And so" she said, "if he had, all that would have accomplished is a change of government. And what has a change of any government really accomplished concerning the thing (singular) that really matters." Of course her reference to that THING was the CROSS OF CHRIST.

That statement set me back, since I have always been a keen observer of not just surface politics, but an examiner of the underlying and evil power structures that haunt the dark swamp of worldly power. My goal for 45 years has been the preservation of Real and True Constitutional Liberties in the U.S., which are now all vanished in this Emergency Powers Totalitarian Police State. This culture itself has been an attack on everything moral and Christian.

It took only seconds to reconcile with that TRUTH. Concerning THE THING THAT MATTERS, all the convolutions of worldly power are meaningless. Yes, oppressive regimes create great persecutions and create propaganda and cultural control (control of the dialectic) that creates great clouds of darkness, making the perception of The Cross nearly impossible, YET the "Christianism" in the U.S., in the 20th century, in the era of America's Greatness, in the ERA of Radical LIBERTY has created a stronger wall of thought (propaganda) blocking the view of the Cross as has Russia or Ukraine at this point in time. Rosaria Champagne Butterfield's testimony "The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert" Published by Crown & Covenant tells of her indoctrination into radical feminism that happened in THIS culture, where at the time, nearly 90 percent of the population self-identified as Christian, even still 79 percent of the population self-identifies as "Christian." The book "Pilgramage to Dzhvari" written by Valeria Alfeyeva (Bell Tower) tells of an identical indoctrination in the old Soviet Union. If that isn't proof that the form of government is of little import, what could be? Identical indoctrination in supposedly totally different forms of government.

Here the petition:

Rosaria Champagne Butterfield's story:

Here is the plea coming from Ukrainians in the west, hoping to create another AMERICAN war.
we petition the obama administration to:
Petition to Prevent a War between Russia and Ukraine
In the interests of preventing a humanitarian crisis and insuring the right of self-determination of the Ukrainian people, we the undersigned request the following of the President of the United States:
1. That the United States Ambassador to the U.N. Security Council undertake the task of forming an international peacekeeping force composed of nations acceptable to all parties involved in the Ukrainian Crisis. This Peacekeeping force could be deployed to the Crimea and Ukraine' s eastern border in the interests of preventing any escalation of the crisis and insuring the peace and security of all who live in the region.
2. That the United States coordinate with its allies to impose economic sanctions on any and all parties who escalate the crisis in Ukraine to the point of war.
Created: Feb 28, 2014
Issues: Foreign Policy, Human Rights

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