The Master's Ladder Step by Step

Step Four
Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be filled.
In our time, in our day, what is the backdrop of Jesus' proposal? We have reduced our faith to religious moralism so that these words read in our mind as:
“Blessed is he who wants to be moral, God will help him be moral.” This proposition is not a lie, however it does not mean what the first proposition means.
Sometimes we have to learn by negation. What is the circumstance of the absence of “righteousness”?
Isa 59:14ff And judgment is turned away backward, and righteousness standeth afar off; for truth stumbleth in the street, and uprightness cannot enter. And truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey. And Jehovah saw it, and it was evil in his sight that there was no judgment.
Those brainwashed by the Religion of the Culture cannot read this proposition Jesus offered with any comprehension whatsoever. In their mind, even if by some miracle they have pressed through the fog to have some sentimental attachment to Jesus Christ, it means to them, “If I seek to be good, God will help me, and fill me with goodness.” Again a true statement but devoid of the meaning of “Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be filled.”
The absence of righteousness, is also the absence of judgment, which is also the absence of justice, which is also the absence of ethical society and ethical governance, AS WELL AS, the absence of ethical behavior on the personal level; which is also the suppression of truth, which turns THE LIE into the common consciousness of the culture, and TRUTH the enemy of the culture; and he who dares to say anything true, who dares make a righteous judgment or acts in a righteous action, has departed from the common culture and is branded a suspect and dangerous to the common good and becomes prey.
“There is coming a time, when men will go mad. They will take hold of you and say, 'You are mad! You are not like us!” - Saint Anthony the Great.
Now, maybe, it may not seem such a non sequitur when just a few lines later Jesus says, “Blessed are ye when they reproach and persecute you, and say every wicked-lying thing against you, for my sake.
For whose sake?
For He who IS Truth the Person.
Rejoice and exult, for your reward is great in the heavens; for thus have they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”
(Please note: "is great in the heavens" - not in heaven - more on this later.)
The absence of Righteousness is the absence of REALITY. “When righteousness stands afar off, judgment is turned away backward” everything is upside-down.
Those wrapped in fantasy, baptized in mind numbing idols of pleasures, which they love more than LIFE, outlined in “Step Three”, which we could call a manufactured and totally artificial consciousness, will react violently when you challenge their idols, when you make a judgment based upon truth.
What was the meaning of Steps One, Two and Three? These were different levels of purging mult-layers and multi-levels of delusion and so creating the conditions where one can truly seek TRUTH. In other words it was Emptying the NOUS (The Heart-Mind) of all hypnotic illusions, delusion, prejudices, favorite mythologies, aberrant theologies, and behaviors, and not just expelling the common sins, but exposing and expelling the damage done by them.
So your judgment would no longer be “taken away.”
I always enjoyed the beautiful poetic and prophetic words of Isaiah about Jesus, but the interpretation Saint Luke gave them always puzzled me, until I learned something about the Luciferian Mind War, which has continually raged from the very beginning, and now has massively been empower by hypnotics of drugs and the psychotronics of technology. Here is Isaiah speaking:
Isa 53:4ff Surely *he* hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; and we, we did regard him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned every one to his own way; and Jehovah hath laid upon him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, but he opened not his mouth; he was led as a lamb to the slaughter, and was as a sheep dumb before her shearers, and he opened not his mouth.
He was taken from oppression and from judgment; and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living; for the transgression of my people was he stricken. And men appointed his grave with the wicked, but he was with the rich in his death, because he had done no violence, neither was there guile in his mouth.
Here is how Saint Luke used that scripture, talking about Phillip teaching the Ethiopian:
Act 8:27ff . . . an Ethiopian, a eunuch, a man in power under Candace queen of the Ethiopians, who was over all her treasure, who had come to worship at Jerusalem, was returning and sitting in his chariot: and he was reading the prophet Esaias. And the Spirit said to Philip, Approach and join this chariot. And Philip, running up, heard him reading the prophet Esaias, and said, Dost thou then know what thou art reading of? And he said, How should I then be able unless some one guide me? And he begged Philip to come up and sit with him. And the passage of the scripture which he read was this: He was led as a sheep to slaughter, and as a lamb is dumb in presence of him that shears him, thus he opens not his mouth. In his humiliation his judgment has been taken away, and who shall declare his generation? for his life is taken from the earth. And the eunuch answering Philip said, I pray thee, concerning whom does the prophet say this? of himself or of some other?
That phrase haunted me, “In his humiliation his judgment has been taken away, and who shall declare his generation?” You see, unless Jesus experienced also the insanity of sin, that is the damage, darkness and blindness of sin, then it would be a lie to say that he was “tempted in like manner” as us. It is only in the state of absolute black darkness that those horror stricken words from the Cross ring true, "My God, My God, Why have you forsaken me."The absence of Righteousness is the absence of Judgment! It is the absence of sight. It is the absence of natural and normal perceptions. It is the darkness that is darkness indeed.
The War has been from the start, but the battle against evil takes on different aspects in different eras. It is a common adage, or should be, "Before the truth can set you free, you need to know the lies that are holding you hostage." We in modern times, to our detriment, take Lucifer for a fool. That's a loser's game. So let us take a look at the present battlefield. Picture with me; As a Christian "warrior" you are at the battle table, assessing the state of the battlefield, here is what you should see:
Two-hundred years ago the Luciferian Society began constructing a Scientistic Dictatorship, where the elite would be the “experts” of science and technology, molding the culture along “rational” and “pragmatic” lines, creating a Utopia any sane person should want. They took a multi-pronged approach:
(1) Deconstructing the very idea of HUMAN Perception. Through new “philosophies” they deconstructing the idea of Objective Reality, eliminating the possibility that anyone who is not an expert may know anything with certainty. A frontal assault on common sense, human perception and thinking.
(2) Deconstructing the nature of the material universe, via cosmology, evolutionary physics, removing the earth from its very special place in the Universe, (which recent science has accidentally proved is “center mass.”) Creating in the place of God's creative energy in matter, any Scientistic fantasy they could imagine, hawking their fantasies as “scientific fact” via evolutionary sociology, biology, sociology, anthropology, cosmology etc., etc.
(3) Deconstructing the foundations of Christianity, not just with the challenge of bogus scientific data, but making a frontal assault on Divine Revelation itself, by deconstructing scripture via modern Secular Criticism (a list of disciplines fall into this broad category).
(4) Deconstructing the very composition of the Human Being, via the Luciferian Pseudo Sciences of Psychology and Psychiatry, removing psychotherapy from the historic confines of the “science of the soul” as practiced by the Holy Fathers, a science where the Fathers understood the true anatomy of the Human Being in the image of God, and substituting a totally deformed “image of man” as a beast to be conditioned and controlled.
Two centuries later they have met with remarkable success. They have accomplished creating the modern “citizen” of the industrialized civilization a conditioned “beast” called a Solipsist, incapable of actually knowing or judging anything, except what he is conditioned by the “experts” to accept as true. The conditioning has been so successful that it has caused massive mental, emotional and psychological arrested development, creating generations of adolescents, who are 20, 30, 40, 50 and even 60 years old. They exist in this extended adolescence, in the “play world” of the Cultural Society of their choosing, (outlined in Step Three) while massive genocide is waged around the world, using their labors to empower it, while they remained continually entertained, and not daring to ask a pointed question or make a judgment. "After all, who are WE to judge."
Solipsism; from Latin solus, meaning "alone", and ipse, meaning "self") is the philosophical idea that only one's own mind is sure to exist. As an epistemological position, solipsism holds that knowledge of anything outside one's own mind is unsure; the external world and other minds cannot be known and might not exist outside the mind. As a metaphysical position, solipsism goes further to the conclusion that the world and other minds do not exist.
With physical reality deconstructed, and human perceptions deconstructed, objective observation and objective truth a physical and mathematical impossibility, what else can you produce but two deformed modern creatures you meet every day, who are "normal" and accepted as mature adults and sometimes, intellectual, holding varying degrees of accomplishment and complexity, varying ideas of morality and ethics, and often academic degrees.
Actually these two modern "creatures" are two sides of the same Solipsist coin:
(1) The fellow who cannot brook the idea of anyone daring to judge anything, since nothing can truly be known, since what is true for you may not be true for me, after all YOUR truth and MY truth are not the same truth, and cannot be the same truth. My truth might just be the experience of cognition I cannot prove I have, some wisp in the ether having no meaning whatsoever. So do not dare try to lay your judgment on me, because your reality is as nebulous and meaningless as mine.
(2) The fellow who without factual basis or any understanding, never resorting to any reference more than his emotions, knows all about everything to which he merely points his attention. If he has deigned to think it, it is therefore true and self-evident, absolute and complete certainty. The need for objective reference is absurd! What difference could it make? Any proof you offered contrary to the already set "knowledge" would of necessity have to be a clever trick, or de facto factually flawed. This is the insane diametric opposite incarnation of Solipsism.
Absolute Doubt, based on no objective data vs Absolute Certainty, based on no objective data. Do you see the commonality?
The first, is absolutely politically correct. The greater solipsist you are, the better you fit the Politically Correct Culture. Even though such a one could never admit to the idea of a “moral absolute,” in fact they are morally and absolutely certain that no one but the experts have the right to judge anything. And of course THEIR experts are politically correct. This insane philosophy permeates every part of their existence from the kind of food they eat, to the way they spend their money, to the causes they support.
The second, is absolutely politically in-correct. He has no grasp of anything real, except the gut rebellion he holds, knowing that politically correct Solipsist are insane. Anything he reasons from that base of knowledge has to be true. The vast majority of anarchists, libertarians and ordinary conservatives are simply this, anti-Solipsists.
In case you think that I have slipped into “political language” and could not possibly any longer be explicating what Jesus said, which has to have "spiritual significance" and not political significance, suspend your disbelief long enough to try to grasp my point. Remember we are standing over the battle table which depicts the battle of THIS era, the delusions of THIS age.
Lucifer is guiding all of Western Civilization, using mighty hypnotic drugs and hypnotic psychotronics, having turned education into “feed-lot beast-herd conditioning” producing for the slave culture, the herds of adolescences, in form ONLY as Solipsists and anti-Solipsists. Most become passive, assuming all of life and the nature of society and government is just out of their influence. The ones who dare to try to think, to use force of personality and not be passive, via massive and intense psycho-cybernetic conditioning via the media, he sets at loggerheads, using events, False Flags, Crises, personalities, insults, race, fear, religion, terror, . . . Then using the Hegelian Dialectic, Thesis (Solipsism) anti-thesis (anti-solipsism – that is conditioned-irrational reactionary opposition) he produces the Synthesis he wants, whatever that may be, which both the Solipsists and anti-Solipsists will BEGRUGINGLY accept, as necessary evil, which always decreases Liberty and increases the Luciferian Powers.
We are dealing with an entire Civilization whose “judgment has been taken away.” That can only happen where Truth, “stumbles” - that is has become imperceptible to the human person, because righteousness “stands afar off.”
What is righteousness? It is what is according to the "Law of Nature" i.e. God's law, that which produces certain and true “discrimination” so that one may know God's Will, which is LIFE generating; it is the ability to distinguish God's Will from Satan's deceptions, which generate death, the destruction of Humankind. It is what produces equity, justice, ethics and morality. With Judgment REMOVE none of these things are possible. We are left seeing:
Education produce Retardation – emotional, mental, psychological, permanent adolescence.
To paraphrase Christopher Hedges:
Doctors destroy Health
Mental Health workers destroy mental health
Lawyers destroy Justice
Education destroys Knowledge
Government destroy Liberty
Religion destroys Wisdom and Morality
Banks and Corporations destroy Economy
News and other sources of “information” destroy objective reality.
The absence of Righteousness is nothing short of the absence of TRUTH from the Heart-Mind of men. The absence of TRUTH from individual and collective “consciousness.” Eyes open seeing nothing, totally blinded by the culture. "EYES WIDE SHUT." It is the substitution of a totally false and artificially produced "alternative consciousness."
Isa 59:14ff And judgment is turned away backward, and righteousness standeth afar off; for truth stumbleth in the street, and uprightness cannot enter. And truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey. And Jehovah saw it , and it was evil in his sight that there was no judgment.
These verses perfectly picture the present state of the MIND WAR in our culture. The blindness is not an accident but a carefully and with much cunning energy, planned accomplishment of Lucifer, Himself. And the only way to come to view and understand the blanket of darkness that covers the minds of men, and by extension was that form of evil that was our former state before we came to conversion, and IS our present state to the degree WE have been casual about our healing/salvation, turning our healing into mere religion . . . Our vision - arrives through the very painful process of purging from us every “shadow of darkness”, every illusion and delusion as explained in Steps One, Two and Three, every sin and scar of sin. Then knowing what is NOT real, we gain a huge hunger to see what IS real. And not just to SEE it, but to BECOME it, to become what is REAL.
The Reason Jesus Christ is Truth the Person, is that he is the SINGLE REALITY of the New Creation. All that is, all that has been, all that will be, exists, if indeed is existed in the first place, IN HIM. HE is the ALPHA and the OMEGA. An IN HIM ALL THINGS SHALL BE RENEWED. It is IN HIM where we become LIKE HIM, and experience RENEWAL ourselves, here on this plane partly and soon completely, like him.
Rev 16:5ff And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus. For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy. And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments.
WE do not come to Christ to enter a paradise; we do not come to Christ to get to heaven, but rather, to take our part in the ranks of the Church Militant, as warriors, whose actions upon THIS earth have immediate reality in the heavens. Where the prince of the powers of the air is CHALLENGED and set back by OUR presence. We becoming an incarnational presence of Jesus Christ himself, HERE and NOW. He Himself is the RIGHTEOUSNESS we seek. Not some image of idealized moral behavior, but the very presence of what is in every instance, LIFE ENGENDERING. So then, that our every action is "created in the good" and is beneficial not just for the narrow confines of our "individual salvation" but rather for the renewal of ALL THINGS. The Psalms gives the image of the righteous walking leaving behind them streams of water in the desert, making alive the waste places, reanimating what seemed DEAD. Saint Paul echoed this saying that the prayer of a righteous man availed much, that is makes much available.
Buddha said, "BLESSED are those who have sought truth, righteousness ensouls the purpose of your actions."
Truth is God Himself, and being imbued with him, creates righteousness in us, the living power of Good; it is indestructible and invincible. Work the truth out in your mind/heart, become imbued with righteousness and spread it among mankind, for truth alone is the savior from evil and misery.
Jesus stated this concept many times. He promised green pastures for the sheep who would be venturesome enough to leave the safety of the fold for those pastures. In other words who would DARE to take the truth that is ETERNAL and REAL, into the streets, the communities, the businesses and the houses of government. He asked, how can you take such a wonder, such a treasure and hide it? Does a man light a light and cover it?
This Luciferian Culture of Death has increased in power, NOT merely because of the cunning of Evil, but because of the failure of God's Children to become HEALED. To give up "the world" the blindness of the culture and take on what is REAL, that is Righteousness, the FORCE of power that never violates but engenders life, upon life, upon life.
Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be filled.
At this point, I have some really, really good news for you. Keep reading
Continued in Step Five:
I can't get enough of this! Looking forward to number 5!!!