Friday, March 22, 2013

Pope Francis and Gay Marriage

Why would anyone be surprised that Pope Francis in his previous position as head of the council of Argentine Bishops, said that he would not object to legal civil partnerships between same sex couples as long as the sanctity of marriage was not disturbed, as long as the definition of MARRIAGE remained what it has always been and is under God's law, a sacred union between a man and a woman for the purpose of procreation.

The fact remains that although gays can be partners, they are not capable of a sexual act that could and would consummate a marriage. And an unconsummated marriage is legally no marriage at all. In an attack on the family, trying to pretend that a woman can be a husband and father, and a man can be a wife and mother, a slight of hand has been used in the didactic concerning this issue, saying that the issue is a matter of "human rights" merely heterosexual vs homosexual marriage, both modern terms, as if the difference is just three letters of one word. The struggle is NOT one of Gay rights, as those will attest, who are willing to give Gays every right that does not infringe on and damage the rights of the those married and those who will be married, who do not object to civil partnerships and every legal benefit to almost any consenting arrangement of cohabitation, it is rather the sanctity of marriage that is at stake.

Marriage, REAL marriage is not a "civil" prospect, even if allowed "civil ceremony" beginnings, but rather is a sacred state, recognized in the old laws where even a union between a man and a woman living together without benefit of any sort of ceremony, was given common-law "marriage" status for the sake of children. Marriage is primarily an institution for "procreation," and gays claiming this status are part and parcel of the new scientific artificial, impersonal, un-natural means and methods of procreation. For the Christian civil unions are a legal contract, marriage is a sacrament. But the truth is, the Gay establishment will never rest satisfied with civil unions, because equal legal rights is NOT their true goal. The fact is the gay establishment will not rest until they have totally debauched the meaning of the word marriage, redefined the meaning of nuclear family and procreation. The fiction writer may have called it "A Brave New World" but it is just an innovative expression of old evil, the evil that hates life and seeks the destruction of innocence, and ultimately is death engendering. Our culture of death is witness to this truth.

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